Local Church Constitution and Statement of Essential Truths Update
The PAOC regularly updates it’s ‘Local Church Constitution’, and it is an expectation upon PAOC churches that we stay in step with most recent version. Our version (currently dated 2014) is far out of date compared to their most recent version (dated 2022) – a problem we’re seeking to fix this year!
As well, in the spring of 2022, the General Conference of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) met in Winnipeg, Manitoba for the Annual Meeting and Biennial Conference. At this historical gathering, the PAOC Conference Delegates adopted a refreshed “Statement of Essential Truths” (SOET) replacing the Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths” (SOFET). While the wording has been updated and simplified, the core of what we believe and the values we hold remain virtually the same. In fact, this refresh aligns us more closely with our historical Canadian Pentecostal roots.
As we require both a constitutional update, and an updated statement of essential truths, we must vote and pass a resolution to adopt the most current version of the LCC to continue to be an assembly in good standing with the PAOC.